Rates & Insurance Info

Initial Evaluation : $350

60-90 minutes

  • Complete medical history

  • Assessment of current symptoms and context

  • Education on potential diagnoses, relevant medications & alternative treatment options

  • Information regarding potential benefits, risks, side effects, interactions of medication options

  • Collaborative, patient-centered treatment plan design

  • Potential consultation with prior prescriber, therapist or other relevant provider

Ongoing Medication Management Sessions :

Simple : 20-25 minutes, 1 medication - $160 (non-adhd medication)

Complex : 30-45 minute, 1+ medications, dose adjustment, medication change, insurance issues - $180

  • Can be scheduled monthly through bi-annually, depending on phase and length of treatment, medication, current issues, and patient preference

  • Objective assessment of benefits, side effects

  • Assessment & discussion of subjective response: how do you feel the medication is working? are the benefits worth any potential side effects? are there problems around cost, accessibility or other issues? what are your options if you are unsatisfied?

  • Review of complementary therapies (talk therapy, light-box therapy, self-management strategies, mindfulness/meditation, acupuncture, etc.)

  • Collaborative treatment planning: we mutually agree upon next steps

  • Further education as needed

  • Refills as appropriate

Monthly Medication Management: $250/session

55 minute sessions on a monthly basis

  • For treatment plans that include closer monitoring:

    • ADHD medications

    • Substance use/harm reduction treatment plans (naltrexone, suboxone/buprenorphine, antabuse, etc.)

    • Medications that require bloodwork

    • Medication changes

    • Regimens with multiple medications, etc.

  • Optimal for people already in weekly psychotherapy with a therapist

  • More frequent meetings are appropriate for people starting a new medication, switching medications or tapering off medication

Biweekly/Monthly Psychotherapy + Medication Management: $200-$250/session

55 minute sessions

  • Solution-focused, individualized approach that may include or combine cognitive-behavioral therapy, supportive psychotherapy, motivational interviewing, ADD/ADHD counseling

  • Sessions with flexible structure: varying focus will be placed on meds vs psychotherapy, depending on the phase of treatment, current condition, & patient need/preference

  • Available on a case-by-case basis; fee is based on complexity of medication regimen

Insurance Information

At this time, I am not accepting insurance directly. I am considered an "out-of-network" provider for most PPO policies, and can provide you with a receipt that you can submit for reimbursement.

Please check with your individual plan to confirm your reimbursement rate, out-of-network deductible, etc.

*Rates updated January 2021