Privacy & Policies


Seeing a psychiatric provider is a sensitive issue that people can be understandably concerned or wary about.  I assure you that what is said in our sessions, and the treatment plan we design together, will be kept completely confidential.  The only situations in which I am required to release information without your explicit permission are emergencies, like: if you are at risk of harming yourself, if you are at risk of hurting someone else or have named someone you're planning to hurt, or if a child or elderly person is being abused. Otherwise, no one - not your family, your primary care or other provider, your employer, your insurance company - no one will be given any information about our sessions, including whether or not I even see you as a patient - unless you give me permission.

If you will be billing your insurance company for reimbursement, I may be asked to provide the insurer some information - usually a diagnosis code and how long our sessions last - but only if you request that I do this.  I will not provide information to anyone without you first signing a document granting me per mission to do so.

Policy on Prescribing Controlled Substances

Please note that I do not prescribe benzodiazepines (clonazepam/klonopin, lorazepam/ativan, alprazolam/xanax, etc.) for the first 3 months of treatment.  At minimum, a well-documented (medical records, pharmacy list, medication bottle) history of safely taking prescribed benzodiazepines, a release of information allowing me to consult with previous providers, and a clean record on the California Controlled Substance Utilization Record database is required before I consider including a benzodiazepine in your treatment plan, and even then, there is no guarantee.

I do not prescribe opiate analgesics/painkillers.

Cancellations and Other Policies

We would appreciate as much advance notice as possible but require a full 2 business days written notice for cancellation for all appointments. You will be billed directly for the missed appointment.

Cancellation Fees:

  • 48-24 hours: 50% of full session fee

  • Less than 24 hours: 100% of full session fee

    If you need to cancel a Monday appointment (over a weekend) or a Tuesday appointment (over a long weekend), please email me directly.

Additional Policies

  • I can be very flexible with scheduling, rescheduling, etc. -- but communication and advanced notice are essential.

    The Patient Portal is a HIPAA-compliant form of communication that protects your private health information.
    Please use it for:
    1) health information, medication questions, health updates, other health information including symptoms, side effects, etc.
    2.) Refill requests
    3.) Appointment Scheduling:
    —Please schedule appointments through the patient portal via "Request Appointment" and choose the type/length of appointment
    — If you need to cancel an appointment, please message me through the Patient Portal
    — If you need to reschedule an appointment, please schedule your preferred appointment through the patient portal and then message me through the Patient Portal to cancel the original appointment

  • For refills: generally I provide established patients who are stable on their medication regimen with prescriptions for 90 days (or more). Those patients who are in early or transitional phases of their treatment plan should expect to have office visits at least monthly until we mutually decide that your medication regimen is set. Medication refill requests should be sent through the Patient Portal.